Tuesday, August 23, 2011

DROG (drunk blog - you heard it here first, people.)

So the bisque firing didn't go so hot. Things I learned:

1. Don't stack bowls upside down on top of sun sculptures because if there are air bubbles in the sun and it explodes, guess what happens to the bowl.

2. All of the big pots I threw hate my guts. Also, they hate life and not exploding.

3. I shouldn't drink and try to throw pots.

That's pretty much it. Also, I'm better at dealing with shit like this now than I was ten years ago when I was first starting out and Mr. Snakeman's ass blew up in the bisque fire (there tends to be an underlying theme here). I don't cry over it anymore because I can detach from my work in a way that I used to not be able to. Not 100%, I still get pretty pissed off, I'm not gonna lie. But it's actually kind of good for me as a designer to learn how to separate myself from the stuff I create. How'm I supposed to learn that if I never have anything blow up on me?

Example: spending 40+ hours on a project that the client ends up hating and makes me start over on from scratch. It gets even better when they give me creative direction that ultimately makes the entire project look like complete shit. And then, when re-presented with said shit, they love it more than anything they've ever seen before, in the history of their eyes. It evokes a very similar emotion to that of when stuff in my kiln blows up - I want to bust out in a Footloose style punch-kick dance around the office that I share with my boss and administrative assistant, knocking over the paper samples and snacks that we keep on a table in the middle of the room. Maybe even a chair or two. As socially acceptable as you think this may sound, it is actually considered "unprofessional" in the business. So instead I bite my tongue, clench my butt cheeks and thank the client for being so amazing and dropping such useful knowledge on me, so as to make the piece of sh.. I mean masterpiece project a winner. But I digress...

On the tastier side of my poo sangwich, I did get about 500+ different shaped beads and pendants out of the firing, a bunch of smaller bowls, cups and vases which I started glazing last night. Luckily, I am super good at glazing while I drink. And drinking while I glaze. Win win.

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